Gastric Sleeve, also known as laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy or sleeve gastrectomy, restricts the amount of food that the stomach can hold at a time and it is performed through removal of a portion of stomach which is around %85 of total. Remaining part in tube-like structure is sutured and there is no change in absorption of calories and nutrients in the intestines. The procedure is minimally invasive and closed as it is a laparoscopic surgery in which smallest incisions are made around your belly and a slender tool with a tiny camera and light is being inserted into your stomach and everything is screened on a monitor while following the surgical steps that is planned beforehand. So thanks to this advance technique with least scarring.

The idea behind that is patients feel much fuller after eating much less, and it produces a hormone for a prolonged sense of fullness and that directly changes your eating habits and life style correspondingly.

Long term weight loss can highly be variable beyond 1–year post procedure and requires close post-surgery follow-up for high quality results with highest satisfaction rate.

Most people are and has been wondering what treatment would be best fitted into their expectation and what the pros and cons are over gastric banding which is no longer demanded or considered cutting-edge.